The LEAD contaminated water crisis in Flint Michigan is a horrific problem that could have been avoided. Whether it is determined to be the result of poor judgement or criminal neglect, the health effects will be lifelong for those poisoned by the water. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victoms in Flint.
As scary as the circumstances of the Flint water contamination may be, the reality is, our environment is much more contaminated than we are told or want to believe. Levels of toxic chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals and pharmecuiticals in our atmosphere, soils, oceans and fresh water supplies have become so pervasive there is no place on earth that is not impacted. The water crisis in Flint Michigan is a warning sign that we all should heed. In fact if you search related news stories you will discover just how common poor water quality is in the U.S. Some of this toxicity is by design, not by accident. Chlorine and the byproducts of chlorination are known carcinogens, yet most municipalities use this toxic chemical to control bacterial contamination. Why would they do this? Just follow the money! Fluoride is poison! A known neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor, its damge to the body is proven and indesputable. Why do 70% of public water supplys include fluoridation? Just follow the money trail! How can you know your water is safe? Can you rely on the water purveyor for acurate, timly information about the quality of the water to your home? When was the last time you had your well or spring water sampled and anylized? When was the home you live in built? Have you purchased faucets online from sources outside the US? The truth is, the only way you can be sure of the water quality in your home is by controling the water at point of entry and points of use. I began developing filtration systems as a means of creating an effective, affordable solution that was customized to the water conditions in the Western North Carolina area; specifically Asheville municipal water. Despite having some of the purest freshwater reseviors in the world, by the time this water gets to your faucets, it is contaminated; in many ways and for many reason. Some of Asheville's water distribution system is 100 years old, and laydened with sediments which harbor bacteria, some of which are not efected by the chlorination process used by Asheville Water Authority. There are hunderds of mies of piping old enough to still have lead packed joints. In fact, several years ago as I was excavating near the water meter at my home in West Asheville, I exposed the water meter service tap line which connects the meter to the city water line. I was horrified to discover the tap line was lead piping. Asheville's water maintenance department responded very quickly to my discovery and complaint by replacing the tap the next day. Installation of Lead piping was common until the 1930s when installation was discontinued by most municipalities. But that doesnt mean those lead pipes aren't still in use. If your home was built before 1940 there is a high probabilty that the water service line connecting your water meter to the municipal system will be lead. To make things more concerning there is a good chance that Asheville will loose control of it water resources to the state of NC. Upon establishing this precident the state will likely pursue privitization of its water systems. What has occured in Flint Michigan will become far more commonplace as water purveyors become privitized, for proffit businesses. The time to take control of your water quality is now! CAH
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February 2023