Performance Data for the H2O Easy Whole House Water Filtration System

Performance Data for the H2O Easy Whole House Water Filtration System Without UV
Performance data for the H2O Easy Whole House Water Filtration System without UV
Category Contaminant Average Reduction
Aesthetic Effects
Chlorine * 99%
Odor & Taste * 99%
Turbidity * <1.0 NTU
Inorganic Chemicals
Barium 98%
Cadmium 96%
Lead 98%
Mercury 98%
Organic Chemicals
Alachlor 98%
Xylenes 97%
Performance Data for the H2O Easy Whole House Water Filtration System Without UV
Performance data for the H2O Easy Ultraviolet (UV) Microbiological Disinfection Filter (Optional)
Category Microorganism % Average Reduction
Agrobacterium Tumefaciens > 99.9%
Bacillus Anthracis > 99.9%
Staphylococcus > 99.9 %
Bacteriophage (E-coli) > 99.9%
Hapatitus Virus > 99.9%
Influenza Virus > 99.9%
Polio Virus > 99.9%
Rota Virus > 99.9%