I recently completed installation for a new customer in Biltmore Park Condos located in the south Asheville, NC area. This custom build system includes the Total Containment filtration components for removal of chlorine and chlorine byproducts, fluoride, heavy metals, pesticides, MTBE, THM, and so much more. Also added is our Hard Water Genie Anti-Scale component and Ultra Violet filtration for the ideal municipal water solution, neatly packaged for life in a Condo or Apartment.
Congratulations Victor, and thank you for the opportunity to improve the water quality in your new South Asheville home!
An important thing to remember about well water condition is that it can and does change. What this also means is the water filtration system you've paid for and have serviced regularly, may no longer be effective or may no longer be necessary. This could also means you may now need fiktratikn and conditioning that you hadn't previously needed.I recommend an annual comprehensive re-test/analysis of wells and springs to identify any changes in water quality and conditions.
Changes can range from "no changes to dramatic changes". Even a minimal change in iron levels or harness can mean adjustments to a filtration system. Protect your investment and the health of your family. CAH Routine maintenance procedure leaves residents of south Asheville are dealing with discolored and potentially dangerous water conditions.
Residents relying on the Mills Gap water treatment facility are being told not to drink or or wash with the discolored water. Here's a link to the WFF4 News article: Discolored Water. Our water filtration products help ensure the safety and quality of your water so you don't need to worry about dirty, discolored or unsafe water. H2O Easy provides Customized Solutions with Guaranteed Results. We have been very busy since the initial launch of our website; which will be my excuse for not communicating more frequently. This posting is going to be short and sweet.
We have put together some great deals for for residents of Asheville. If you've being waiting for the right opportunity to purchase that water filter for you home or business, this is it. For the entire month of March 2015 our popular WG400-A WaterGenie Whole House Water filter is discounted to $1000 and includes standard installation; an average savings of $400-$600 - WGF100 FluorideGenie discounted to $750 includes standard installation; save $350-$450. For information on additional H2O Easy Filters for Taps and more. call today and save... I look forward to hearing from you, C~ I wanted to take a moment and address the ground and water contamination caused by the CTS plant which operated in South Asheville (Skyland) beginning in 1956 continually until the plant was closed in 1986.
The situation is very troubling to say the least and based on information brought to light in a recent report by WLOS investigative reporter Mike Mason, what occurred is nothing less than criminal; find the report on the WLOS website "here". Many lives have been impacted by health concerns, likely directly attributable to the Trichloroethylene that was dumped; polluting the grounds, surface water and air in the Mills Gap Rd area where the Superfund site is located. The toxic soil at the site has been left (apparently intentionally) un-remediated long enough that it the contamination may have reached an aquifer. If this turns out to the case, the contamination will spread as the flowing waters carry the carcinogenic chemicals along its ancient underground path. In light of this terrifying circumstance, I have decided to again reach out to those that may be in or near the affected area. Several years ago someone at the EPA (name withheld intentionally) purchased our product and paid me to install the water filter at a residence affected by the CTS site contamination. I know the filters work and so does the EPA…. They’ve known all along how to protect people from the risks! H2O Easy G series filtration media is an effective method of filtering water contaminated with Trichloroethylene (TCE). If you live in an area affected by the CTS site, I want to help you protect your family. To do this I am offering substantial discounts on the purchase and installation of an H2O Easy G series water filter. Unlike companies that see this as an opportunity to prosper from the misfortunes of others, I see it as another opportunity to give back the community that has been home to my family for over twenty five years. Sincerely, C.A. Hanson H2O Easy Water Quality Products EPA announced a new tool that may provide important information about pollutants that are released into local source waters. The Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) pollutant loading tool brings together millions of records allowing for searching and mapping of water pollution by local area, watershed, company, industry sector and pollutant. The public can use this new tool to protect their health and the health of their communities.
Searches using the pollutant loading tool result in “TOP 10″ lists to help users easily identify facilities and industries that are discharging the most pollution and impacted water bodies. When discharges are above permitted levels, users can view the violations and details of enforcement actions that EPA and states have taken to address these violations. Facilities releasing water pollutants directly into waterways, such as wastewater treatment plants or industrial manufacturers, must receive acquire a discharge permit under the federal Clean Water Act. Each permit sets specific limits for how much can be discharged. It also requires the permittee to frequently sample their wastewater discharges and report the data to the state or EPA permitting authority. To learn more, <<click here>>
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After years of diligent research and negotiations to find the very best products for the lowest possible cost, we have reached our goal; Whole House city water filtration for under one dollar a day! Awesome concept, right? Well that's not all there is to it. Along with my proprietary, highly effective whole house contaminant filtration system, you'll get professional installation, media re-optimization service for three years, and three years worth of replacement 5 micron pre-filters! All for less than $1.00 per day!
All of my whole house filter components and media are NSF approved, and of the highest quality available. If you've been waiting for whole house filtration to become affordable and hassle-free, the wait is over! Learn more here. Thanks for visiting, Chris |
Contributing AuthorsChris HansonFounder, Owner CategoriesArchives
February 2023